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Protect your business now From unnecessary law suits, Draft a Legal Agreement today with the help of Experts

As an entrepreneur, you need to ensure that your business interests and personal interests are protected and any unnecessary risks are covered. A team of experts at can help you in Drafting, Reviewing and Executing all kinds of Legal Agreements such as investment agreement, employment agreements, partnership deed, and term sheet. 

Legal Agreement

Legal Agreements

For every business, it is necessary and advisable to execute legal agreements/contracts reduced into writing before entering into any kind of business relationship. Legal agreements/Contracts should be drafted keeping into account the interests of both the parties and should contain the terms as per the specific needs of the businesses.  Our advice is not to rely on templates available online, because they are general and may not take care of your interests. We at Bizlegal with our UAS working methodology, we curate agreements according to your specific needs and requirements not compromising on the legal aspects of the same. The following are the agreements with which we can help you out.  

NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) - An NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) is a legally binding contract stipulating that certain information that shall be shared in the future is confidential, and also the extent to which its disclosure is restricted to any third party.

Why do you need NDA ?

  • if You want to ensure that your proprietary (patented, branded, trademarked, copyrighted) information will remain private and not publicly available.

  • If you want to protect trade secrets, secret formulas, designs, and development process than you have to need an NDA.

  • If you want to clarify proprietary information policy to your employees so you need to sign an NDA.

Non-Disclosure Agreements –​

  • Can be unilateral or bilateral

  • Can be for an individual or organization

  • Can be for multiple parties

Co-Founders Agreement - A Co-founders agreement will help you have a sustainable business relationship so as to enhance your business’ performance. We help you put in place strong foundations for open and honest communication between co-founders, which mitigates the risk of disputes and business failure in the long term.

If acts as a safeguard to protect the interest of each co-founder in the case of dispute and also to develop an understanding among the partners regarding the functioning and management of the company and thus making it legally binding on them through an agreement.

The co-founder clause and essentials ensure that the co-founder's agreement is governed and executed without any or limited risk to the co-founders.

Employment Agreement -  An employment agreement will outline the employee’s role and will limit the employer’s liability. It is advisable to put one in place as in the absence of a written agreement, default legal provisions will apply which tend to favor employees.

ESOP - An employee stock option plan is a qualified defined-contribution employee benefit plan designed to invest primarily in the sponsoring employer/company's shareholding. We help in making a perfect ESOP for your company.

An employee stock option plan is the opportunity, given by the employer to the employee, to own a certain number of shares of the company's common stock at a pre-established price, known as the grant price, over a specific period of time, known as the vesting period.

Objectives of ESOP –

  • Improves shareholders value

  • Motivates the employees

  • Retirement plan

  • Wealth creation for employee

  • Sense of belonging and ownership amongst the employee

Term Sheet - The term sheet sets out the terms on which your investor is going to give you funding, be that by taking equity in your company, a convertible note, or another arrangement. It will also set out any conditions you will have to meet in order to successfully gain funding. It will also include decisions about the dilution of shares and decision-making rights.

A term sheet is a statement of intent setting forth the basic terms and conditions under which a transaction will be effected. A term sheet is a non- binding agreement.

Why do we need a term sheet?

  • A term sheet is evidence of the conclusion of various parameters of the proposed transaction.

  • The term sheet ensures that the parties are in agreement on the most crucial aspects of the deal.

  • so understand and assess the impact of the terms before you sign the term sheet. Don't negotiate hard but negotiate smartly.

  • You should need to take the advice from experienced consultants before you sign the term sheet. We are providing free legal advice for you.

Partnership Deed - A Partnership agreement relates to two or more individuals intending to form a partnership  (rather than a company limited by shares or guarantee).

partnership deed - a document containing terms & conditions of a partnership. A partnership deed is an agreement in writing signed by all the partners, duly stamped and registered.

Partnership deed defines the rights, duties, and obligations of partners and governs relations among them in the business affairs of the firm.

The partnership deed must not contain any term, which is contrary to the provisions of the partnership act.

Contents in partnership Deed -

  • Name of the firm & nature of the business

  • The principal of the business

  • Name and address of partners

  • Amount of capital to contribute d by each partner

  • Profit-sharing ratio

  • Rate of interest, if any on capital and drawings


Investment Agreement - This will set out the agreed terms in the term sheet in more detail. Future investors may want to see this agreement to know how much control other investors have in your company. 

MOU - Are you entering a new business relationship and are looking to set out the role of each party without too much formality? Get a Memorandum of Understanding.

Service Level Agreement - Service Level agreements are a certain type of terms and Conditions/Terms of  Business. They are most used by technology companies when a service provider renders a service to a client.

service level agreement is a contract between a service provider and the end-user that defines the level of service expected from the service provider. service level agreements are output-based in that purpose is specifically to define what the customer will receive.

Service level agreement measures the service provider's performance and quality in a number of ways.

The main objective of Service level agreement - 

  • Documentation

  • Agreement

  • Monitoring

  • Measurement

  • Reporting

  • Reviewing

  • Ensure to maintain good relationship & communication with client

The main elements of good Service level agreement - 

  • Overall objectives

  • Description of the services

  • Performance standards

  • Compensatory/ service credit

  • Critical failure

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